LIMBOworld: Education in a comparative perspective


Freedom of education is very important in Belgium. But is that also true in other countries? Is there a national curriculum and are there central exams in other countries? What does the school week look like in another country? How is teacher training organized? This seminar focuses on the differences and similarities between educational systems. A broadening of the horizon helps to question evident issues in our own educational system and provides inspiration for innovation. Each seminar is built around an invited guest speaker from abroad and who discusses the educational system in his/her country. The aim of each seminar is to arrive at the formulation of key comparative insights about our educational system.

LIMBO Academy
  • 18u tot 21u
  • €30
    (gratis voor studenten & personeel KULeuven/associatie)
  • Lesgever: Mieke Berghmans
  • Locatie: VHI 00.10, Dekenstraat 2, 3000 Leuven
  • Organisator: Limbo Academy